Atlanta International School
CertifiedOffice Address:
Address 2890 N Fulton Dr NE -, Atlanta, Georgia, US 30305
Phone+1 404-841-3840
CategoryEducation and Colleges
Atlanta International School
CertifiedOffice Address:
Address 2890 N Fulton Dr NE -, Atlanta, Georgia, US 30305
Phone+1 404-841-3840
CategoryEducation and Colleges
Atlanta International School
CertifiedOffice Address:
Address 2890 N Fulton Dr NE -, Atlanta, Georgia, US 30305
Phone+1 404-841-3840
CategoryEducation and Colleges
Private Elementary Schools in Atlanta
Both Lower Primary School students (5K-grade 2) and Upper Primary School students (grades 3-5) learn the curriculum in two languages (English and either French, German, Mandarin or Spanish). Contact Kirsten Gromatzky at kgromatzky@aischool.org or call 404-841-3840 ext. 408.